When purchasing items for our home or business, we generally assume the merchandise is safe. Unfortunately, each year many unsuspecting consumers are seriously injured or even killed by dangerous or defective products. Many of these injuries could be avoided if companies spent more time and effort on safety inspections. If you or someone you love suffered an injury due to a dangerous or defective product, we believe you are entitled to a thorough investigation of your claim.
Protecting the Public Against Defective Products Nationwide
At the Dean Law Firm, we represent individuals in Texas and throughout the country who have endured serious injuries from poorly designed and malfunctioning products. For more than 15 years, we have assisted clients with all aspects of products liability cases. We will apply our years of experience and legal skills to help you recover maximum compensation for the damages you had endured. Contact our law firm today to schedule a complimentary consultation with an experienced Houston product liability attorney.
Investigating the Cause of Defective Products in Texas
If you sustained a devastating injury or someone you love suffered a wrongful death due to an unsafe product, we can help. Our founding attorney, James Christopher Dean, has extensive experiencing holding manufacturers and retailers accountable for overlooking safety measures and failing to prevent defective products such as:
Dangerous or defective drugs
DePuy hip replacements
Automobile parts — including tires
Household products
Children’s toys
Manufacturing equipment
When you retain our law firm, we will launch an independent investigation. We consult accident reconstructionists, toxicologists, doctors and private investigators to determine the cause of defective products. We will not hesitate to hold manufacturers and retailers accountable for failing to take appropriate steps in avoiding accidents from faulty products.
Houston Products Liability Attorney Working for You
Products liability attorney James Christopher Dean not only understands the law, but also has an in-depth knowledge of medical terminology and procedures. His ability to effectively communicate with medical professionals helps him understand the full extent of injuries clients have endured from defective products. This has helped him gain credibility with juries. When you select our law firm, you can feel confident knowing attorney Dean will apply his medical knowledge to your benefit in pursuit of helping you recover maximum compensation for the damages you have endured.
Contact a Skilled Texas Defective Products Lawyer
If you have endured serious injuries from malfunctioning equipment, contact attorney Christopher Dean, a Christian lawyer, online or call 281-280-8900 to schedule a free initial consultation. Evening and weekend appointments are available by request. We also offer foreign language services. We represent all personal injury victims on a contingency fee basis. That means you owe us nothing until we successfully collect compensation for you. Because our firm values providing quality legal services at reasonable prices, we typically charge less than what is considered standard for our area.